Monday, January 2, 2012

Younger Men

When I look back now, it seems that younger men have been attracted to me for a long time. I guess the first younger guy I went out with was when I was a junior in college. I met Eric at a party and before I knew what was happening, he was following me around like an adorable puppy! He was a freshman from a small town & I was a junior. Suffice to say that he may have been young in age, but not in his skills. He knew his stuff and aimed please. I liked him, but we didn't really have alot in common, except for sex, so I passed him on to a friend of mine, who enjoyed him as much as I did. My next younger guy was Brian. He was in med school & lived in the same condo group as I did. We met at a party and hit it off quite well. Unfortunately, he didn't tell me about the other women he was also dating until we all shared the same STD. He tried to blame it on me, but when I found out about all the others, he admitted it couldn't have been me, as I only sleep with one man at a time. Next, there was Steve the computer red, who was a virgin, I almost slept with him, until he admitted he really didn't want a relationship, so I gave him the boot. Next, there were three younger guys, two name Russ & believe it or not, two with the same last name! The first Russ was pretty strange, but he really liked me. I used him for some dates, but I suspected that he was a virgin & really didn't like him enough to sleep with him, so I dumped him the night of my class reunion. Waiting at home was the other Russ, who I believe I'd all ready slept with. I actually had slept with the third guy who had the same last name as one of the Russes, but he had a girlfriend who wouldn't let him actually sleep with him, he had to use a dildo because she wanted to stay virgin, which weird!!! He had an erection problem with me, but I fixed that. He felt guilty cheating on her, but we did sleep together twice. I ended up marrying the one younger guy & we stayed together for 12 years. We had a good time, but he decided he would rather not be committed. Go figure!!!

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